Events | Événements

Upcoming events | Événements à venir

Returning the names

Commemorative event that takes place on October 29 has been held for 16 years since 2007. It first started in Moscow at the Solovki Rock on Lubyanka Street, gradually expanding to many cities across Russia and around the world. On this day, thousands of people line up and, one after another, read aloud the names of those who were executed by the Soviet regime. Very different people have been part of Returning the Names readings. Among them are those for whom the Soviet political persecutions are a personal tragedy, those who draw hope and strength from solidarity and grassroots actions, those who see the connection between past and present governmental crimes.

Letters from Karelia (2004)

Story of Aate Pitkänen, an idealistic Canadian-Finn who went to Soviet Karelia.  This feature-length documentary sheds light on “Karelia Fever,” a phenomenon of the 1930s that led many Finnish Canadians to a tragic fate in the Soviet Union. Taimi Pitkanen last saw her brother Aate in Leningrad in 1931. She was returning to Canada from Moscow while her brother was heading to Soviet Karelia, where his skills as an English-Finnish electrician were in demand. He wrote letters home until 1941 when Hitler attacked the USSR. After that, no one in Canada heard from him. Some 60 years later, letters (written but unmailed) were discovered that revealed his fate and brought together Taimi and Alfred, the son Aate never had a chance to meet. Alfred follows his father’s journey from Thunder Bay to Karelia. With him, we learn about Aate and one of the great dreams of the 20th century.

The film Letters from Karelia was kindly provided to RCDA by the National Film Board of Canada.

Past events | Événements passés

Event banner image featuring Alexei Navalny's photo, organizer's logos and event information

Date: March 17th
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Place: Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal
Admission: Free
(donations )

Russian Canadian Democratic Alliance, in collaboration with Christ Church Cathedral, invites you to join us for a solemn commemoration vigil honouring the life and legacy of Alexei Navalny, a fearless champion of democracy and human rights, and our eternal source of hope and inspiration. He had faith in people, in us, and in the darkest moments, he made us believe in ourselves. He always stood on the side of good, truth, and fairness.

Date : 17 mars
Heure : 16h00 – 17h30
Lieu : Cathédrale Christ Church, Montréal
Admission : Gratuite
(donations )

L’Alliance Démocratique des Canadiens Russes en collaboration avec la Cathédrale Christ Church vous invite à vous joindre à nous pour une solennelle veillée de commémoration en l’honneur de la vie et de l’héritage d’Alexeï Navalny, un champion intrépide de la démocratie et des droits de l’homme, et notre source éternelle d’espoir et d’inspiration. Il avait foi en les gens, en nous, et dans les moments les plus sombres, il nous a fait croire en nous-mêmes. Il a toujours pris parti pour le bien, la vérité et l’équité.

At Christ Church Cathedral, we gather for an orthodox memorial service to pay our respects and reflect on the enduring impact of his activism and advocacy. As we gather in remembrance, the memorial service will be accompanied by musical performances by esteemed artists:

Yegor Dyachkov on the violoncello

Guillaume Sutre on the violin

Elizaveta Miller, Maxim Shatalkin, and Maria Sourjko on piano

With Miriam Sekhon lending her voice to the tribute

The program will feature compositions by Bach, Brahms, Rachmaninov and Shostakovich, as well as heartfelt interpretations of Nina Simone’s timeless songs and the haunting melodies of Badalamenti.

Join us in solidarity as we honour Alexei Navalny’s unwavering commitment to freedom and democracy. Let us come together to commemorate his life and reaffirm our dedication to the principles for which he courageously fought.

À la Cathédrale Christ Church, nous nous réunissons pour un service commémoratif orthodoxe afin de rendre hommage et de réfléchir à l’impact durable de son activisme et de son plaidoyer. Alors que nous nous rassemblons en souvenir, le service commémoratif sera accompagné de performances musicales par des artistes de renom :

Yegor Dyachkov au violoncelle

Guillaume Sutre au violon

Elizaveta Miller, Maxim Shatalkin et Maria Sourjko au piano

Avec Miriam Sekhon prêtant sa voix à l’hommage

Le programme comprendra des compositions de Bach, Brahms, Rachmaninov et Chostakovitch, ainsi que des interprétations émouvantes des chansons intemporelles de Nina Simone et des mélodies envoûtantes de Badalamenti.

Joignez-vous à nous en solidarité alors que nous honorons l’engagement indéfectible d’Alexeï Navalny envers la liberté et la démocratie. Unissons-nous pour commémorer sa vie et réaffirmer notre dévouement aux principes pour lesquels il a courageusement lutté.

Film screening: Navalny (2022) + letter writing
Projection de film : NAVALNY (2022) + écriture de lettres

As part of the exhibition Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot’s Russia presented at the MAC and to mark the third anniversary of Alexei Navalny’s arrest, join a free film screening organized in collaboration with the Russian Canadian Democratic Alliance (RCDA) within the exhibition’s project space, Espace M. Following the screening, all are invited to write a letter in support of a political prisoner in Russia.

Dans le cadre de l’exposition Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot’s Russia  [Terrorisme de velours : la Russie des Pussy Riot] présentée au MAC et marquant le troisième anniversaire de l’arrestation d’Alexei Navalny, assistez à une projection de film gratuite organisée en collaboration avec l’Alliance Démocratique des Canadiens Russes (ADCR) dans l’espace de médiation de l’exposition, Espace M. Suivant la projection, le public est invité à une séance d’écriture de lettres pour les prisonniers politiques russes.

Film screening: 20 Days in Mariupol (2023) + letter writing
Projection de film : 20 Days in Mariupol (2023) + écriture de lettres

As part of the exhibition Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot’s Russia presented at the MAC and to mark two years since the invasion of the Ukraine by Russia on February 24 2022, join a free film screening organized in collaboration with the Russian Canadian Democratic Alliance (RCDA) within the exhibition’s project space, Espace M. Prior to the screening, all are invited to write a letter in support of a political prisoner.

Dans le cadre de l’exposition Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot’s Russia [Terrorisme de velours : la Russie des Pussy Riot] présentée au MAC et marquant les deux ans depuis l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie le 24 février 2022, assistez à une projection de film gratuite organisée en collaboration avec l’Alliance Démocratique des Canadiens Russes (ADCR) dans l’espace de médiation de l’exposition, Espace M. En amont de la projection, le public est invité à une séance d’écriture de lettres pour les prisonniers politiques.

Past events | Événements passés

Collateral damage

A term that should not be forgotten

Apr 28 – 30, 2023

Français Русский Українська

Join us for an important and meaningful event dedicated to the commemoration of the victims of the war in Ukraine. This event will take place at the Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier in Montréal from April 28 to April 30.

Address: 2450 Rue Workman

Year of Terror. Antiwar March organized by the Russian Community

Année de la Terreur. Marche contre la guerre organisée par la communauté russe


Feb 25, 2023

Meeting point/Point de rencontre:

25/02/2023, 12PM,

General consulate of Russia

3655 Av. du Musée

Endpoint/Fin de marche:

Place du Canada,

1010 Rue De La Gauchetière O

Letter writing to political prisoners

DEC 11, 2022


Event details for your city:


How to write letters from outside Russia

In light of the Human Rights Day that is celebrated internationally on December 10, we invite you the next day on December 11 to write letters to Russian political prisoners.

Many people who are detained in Russian prisons are human rights activists, journalists, politicians, and artists, and these letters are their lifeline.

Support them by writing them a letter or drawing a postcard.


Electronic letters are the most efficient way to send letters to political prisoners in Russia. Please make sure to bring your laptop or another electronic device you intend to use. Otherwise, you can draw a postcard with materials provided by the organizers, and your intended recipient will get a photocopy of it.


DEC 3, 2022


Art: @sesegdraws

After February 24th most Russians were faced with questions that they had not thought about or did not want to ask before. How did this war become possible in the first place? Why indigenous people are the ones being mobilized and killed most in the war? How to build relationships with Ukrainians and other peoples of the former Soviet Union and Russia after all the crimes that were committed? We now have to look for answers. From the emerging blogs about the decolonization of Russia and the heated debates among Russians, it is clear that there is a demand for discussion and answers.

To facilitate the search for answers to these questions, the Russian Canadian Democratic Alliance (RCDA) has asked Anna Gomboeva, PhD of the University of Virginia, to give an online lecture.